
Sessão de Abertura

14h00 - 14h50 | Sala B014

Tired: Passwords; Wired: Passkeys. Security is a feature.

Paulo Lopes

Principal Software Engineer @Red Hat

15h10 - 15h40 | Sala B014

Passwords can be intercepted, brute-forced, stolen, guessed, phished, logged and are the top cause of security breaches. Software developers can end this trend now.

I'll be talking about how to replace password authentication with secure, phishing proof, passkeys. I'll show you why password authentication should be considered legacy and how passkeys addresses the limitations and promotes the best security practices. Passkeys are a standard and easy to adapt to new or existing projects.

Coffee break

15h40 - 16h20 | Coffee Lounge

Hey Amazon, we hacked your Photos and Ring!

David Sopas

Chief Operating Officer @Char49

16h20 - 16h50 | Sala B014

Nesta talk, o orador vai mostrar como foi possível comprometer duas aplicações da Amazon. O Amazon Photos e o Ring. Um step-by-step para todo o tipo de audiência, com o intuito de transmitir diferentes metadologias em appsec.

Careers in Cybersecurity

Pedro Queirós

Director of Cyber Security @Uphold

17h10 - 17h40 | Sala B014

Demystifying how you can start in Cybersecurity and why you don't need to wear a hoodie to work in the area. In this talk, I'll go over some common myths about cybersecurity jobs and share some personal insights.