Pedro Queirós

Director of Cyber Security @ Uphold

Pedro is a Security passionate, currently Director of Cyber Security at Uphold. With a strong background in system administration and having had several roles in different Cyber Security areas, he keeps his focus on supporting the business and helping his teams grow. Pedro holds a Master in Network Communications Engineering and is a Postgraduate in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense. He’s also involved in the Woman4Cyber Portugal organization. When not in front of a computer, he loves to read, play with his daughters and just have fun.

Pedro Queirós

Director of Cyber Security @ Uphold

Pedro is a Security passionate, currently Director of Cyber Security at Uphold. With a strong background in system administration and having had several roles in different Cyber Security areas, he keeps his focus on supporting the business and helping his teams grow. Pedro holds a Master in Network Communications Engineering and is a Postgraduate in Cyber Security and Cyber Defense. He’s also involved in the Woman4Cyber Portugal organization. When not in front of a computer, he loves to read, play with his daughters and just have fun.

Talk: Careers in Cybersecurity

Dia 1
31 outubro

Demystifying how you can start in Cybersecurity and why you don't need to wear a hoodie to work in the area. In this talk, I'll go over some common myths about cybersecurity jobs and share some personal insights.